
Abington integrative arts

威尼斯人娱乐信誉平台分校大四学生杰克·达内尔在设计和建造定制笛子时,会仔细选择他使用的木材. "Every material has its own voice," he said.

Credit: Regina Broscius

ABINGTON, Pa. — Jack Darnell, a Penn State Abington integrative arts 梅杰11岁时开始了他的音乐之旅,这源于他对电影的热爱. 

“当我还是个孩子的时候,我记得我看过《威尼斯人娱乐信誉平台》.' The character Mr. Tumnus was playing an unusual flute. 我以前从未见过它,它有一种令人难以忘怀的、神秘的、美丽的旋律. I fell in love with it immediately. 直到几年后,我才发现长笛是一种叫做duduk的亚美尼亚乐器. Its rich melody has enchanted me to this day,” he said. 

达内尔还会弹奏其他几种乐器,包括吉他、贝斯和鼓. 然而,他对世界音乐的热爱是他真正的激情所在. When he was 19, he discovered the Native American flute, and for more than 10 years, 他演奏并收集了来自不同文化的长笛. 他很快意识到,仅仅吹笛子是不够的. 25岁时,达内尔开始定制自己风格的乐器.        

“这不是一段轻松的旅程,因为这不是一艘普通的飞船. There is no formal training for this. Everything I’ve learned, I’ve learned from reading manuals, watching YouTube, and learning from other woodworkers. My dad, for example, isn’t a flute maker nor a musician, 但他喜欢用木头工作,手头有很多工具可以让我上手. 我给他看了蓝图,他给我看了基本的东西,”他说.     

达内尔继续尝试使用几种不同类型的木材来制作他的长笛,包括杨树, cherry, mahogany, and cedar.

“每种材料都是独一无二的,每只长笛都有自己的声音.  当我走进大自然,看到树木时,我不仅看到树木,还看到并听到歌声,”他说.   

这位大四学生擅长发展自己的手艺,并通过他的自发性为校园艺术活动带来了一种空灵的氛围, low-key performances on the custom flutes. 

“我偶尔喜欢在阿宾顿校区的池塘边玩耍. 人们会来找我,告诉我我的音乐是治愈的. 他们会坐下来,我们经常会进行深刻的哲学对话,”他说. 

Due to Darnell’s responsibilities with school and work, it can be hard to find hours to spend in the woodshop. 

“I’ve made a lot of progress in my journey. However, 很难在店里找到时间,也没有导师帮助我,” he said.    

I can’t imagine doing anything but music. It’s what gets me up in the morning. 它给了我发声的机会,也给了其他人发声的机会.

—Jack Darnell , Senior

达内尔一直对音乐情有独钟,并认为音乐是他的第一语言. When he was young, 他被诊断出患有处理障碍,这阻碍了他处理语言的能力. 他知道自己想说什么,但很难用语言表达出来.     

“作为一个孩子,不能完全表达自己是很困难的. 我总是很沮丧,从来不知道为什么人们很难理解我. 直到我找到了音乐,人们才开始有所反应。.

Over the years, 达内尔曾在包括退休社区在内的各种地方演出, charity events and yoga studios. His current job involves senior care, 他在用餐时间和偶尔在临终关怀期间在哪里玩耍. He is sometimes asked to perform at memorial services.

The more he has played, 他越意识到这种消遣不仅仅是演奏音乐. He wanted to turn his passion into a profession. 

“当我在巴克斯县社区学院时,我最初想学习音乐治疗. 直到我来到威尼斯人娱乐信誉平台分校,我才开始更多地关注作曲. 后来,我决定学习更多关于创业的知识,以及如何让我的生意起步. 在那里我遇到了Pachence教授,他给我介绍了几个机会。.       

John Pachence她是阿宾顿大学表演艺术项目协调员,也是达内尔的导师. 

“John is such a fascinating guy. He always has an amazing story to tell. Not only is he a skilled professor, producer, and musician, 但他也致力于帮助他的学生取得成功. I am proud to have him in my life,” Darnell said.          

Pachence, 谁在音乐行业拥有深厚而广泛的经验和人脉, praised Darnell’s talents and work ethic. 

“Jack is a great songwriter and recording engineer. He is a true music entrepreneur,” he said. 


As he approaches graduation from Abington, 达内尔正在考虑将来为电影作曲. 他还希望通过表演帮助传播更多与土著社区有关的意识, educating and resurrecting this style of music. 

“I can’t imagine doing anything but music. It’s what gets me up in the morning. 它给了我一个声音,希望它也能为其他人提供一个声音. Even though I’m not of Native blood, nor am I affiliated with a tribe, I have a deep admiration for the culture. 我希望能以最好的方式代表这个社区,”他说.   

About Penn State Abington 

Penn State Abington provides an affordable, 无障碍和高影响力的教育导致多元化学生群体的成功. 它致力于通过创新的方法在世界一流的研究型大学内实现21世纪公立高等教育的学生成功. With more than 3,100 students, 威尼斯人娱乐信誉平台分校是一所住宿校园,提供25个专业的学士学位, undergraduate research, the Schreyer Honors College, NCAA Division III athletics and more. 
